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- 0.004 Hz - participating in group exhibition 10th Triennial of Contemporary Art – U3 - Against the Stream of Time, Museum of Modern Art + Ljubljana, Slovenia. 21.06. - 17.11.2024. Curated by Tevž Logar.

- Tuning In - participating in group exhibition the sketch, its realisation & her lovers, Drawing Centre Diepenheim, The Netherlands. 18.05. - 01.09.2024. Curated by Caz Egelie.

- Heredrum - performance at Sound (Dis)obedience Festival, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 27.3.2024.

- Reading Reading - Exhibition catalogue availble at Cukrarna Gallery online shop.

- 0.004 Hz - publication now available at Printed Matter, Inc., New York.

- Lost Algorithms 2006 - Digital composition included in online album Solidarity Fund · Hydro curated by Ida and Robertina Šebjanič, produced in partnership with Kamizdat.

- Tuning In - participating in group exhibition SSSSSSSST, AG Ruimte voor nieuwe kunst en media, Utrecht, The Netherlands. 08.09. - 30.09.2023. Curated by Elise 't Hart.

- Reading Reading - solo exhibition, Cukrarna Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 13.4. - 28.5.2023. Curated by Mara Anjoli Vujić.

- Margins of Listening - navigating through excerpts of lecture “Composition as Explanation” by Gertrude Stein - performance, Theater Delly Solothurn, Switzerland. 12.2.2023.

In concert z u l e s e n u n d z u h ö r e n organized by Stefan Thut.

- Heredrum: Sound Intervention in Public Space essay is published in book Going Out – Walking, Listening, Soundmaking.

Eds. Elena Biserna, with Julia Eckhardt, Henry Andersen and Caroline Profanter, QO-2-Umland Publications – Brussels, Belgium, December 2022.

Distributed by Les presses du réel. More info here.

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